Congratulations on taking the next step to improve and enhance the effectiveness of your MasterMind.
What to expect
Upon completing your Registration with UpMinded for your MasterMind training session we will send you a MasterMind Training Session pack.
Included will be:
- Meeting Agenda.
- Explanation of Agenda items.
- Homework for each of your MasterMind members.
- Education Session topic.
- Hot Seat discussion papers.
- Tips for a Successful MasterMind
You will also have access to our password protected Resources page where you will find ever increasing material to assist in the development and growth of your MasterMind.
At the online training session we will run a ‘Mock Meeting’ lasting approximately two hours. A trained UpMinded Leader will chair your meeting ensuring it flows according to the Agenda, the Topic and assuring each person participates in all matters in a fair and equitable manner.
Your UpMinded MasterMind training session
will give you a systemised approach to follow and
develop the effectiveness of your MasterMind.